<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="932"%> <% select_year =Request.Querystring("year") select_month =Request.Querystring("month") kakin_month = select_year &"/"& select_month &"/" %> 鳥インフルエンザ(高病原性鳥インフルエンザ)関係情報

<% '=============== Access MDB SQL文でのデータ羅列 =================== Set db1=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'DBオープン (Provider・ID・パスはGlobal.asaに記載) db1.open Application("DBCN") If IsEmpty(Request.Querystring("year")) = True or IsEmpty(Request.Querystring("month")) = True Then Set rs1 = db1.Execute("Select * From kakin Where genre = 'ippan' ORDER BY kakin_date DESC") Else Set rs1 = db1.Execute("Select * From kakin Where genre = 'ippan' AND Convert(Varchar,[kakin_date],111) Like '%" & kakin_month &"%' ORDER BY kakin_date DESC") End If %>
<% Call Show_BackNumberPullDown("ippan") %>
<% year_check = 0 Do While rs1.EOF = False '.EOFがFalseの間ループ new_date = Year(rs1.Fields.Item("kakin_date")) & "/" & _ Left("00",2-Len(Month(rs1.Fields.Item("kakin_date")))) & _ Month(rs1.Fields.Item("kakin_date")) & "/" & _ Left("00",2-Len(Day(rs1.Fields.Item("kakin_date")))) & _ Day(rs1.Fields.Item("kakin_date")) spl_date = split(new_date,"/") If year_check <> spl_date(0) AND IsEmpty(Request.Querystring("month")) = True Then Response.Write("") End If %> <% rs1.MoveNext '次のレコードへ Loop %>
<% If IsEmpty(Request.Querystring("year")) = True or IsEmpty(Request.Querystring("month")) = True Then Response.Write("すべて表示しています") Else Response.Write("" & select_year & "年" & select_month & "月") End If %>
" & spl_date(0) & "年
<% If rs1.Fields.Item("hatsu") = true Then hatsu ="発" Else hatsu = "" End If Response.Write("" & rs1.Fields.Item("title") & " (" & spl_date(0) &"年"& spl_date(1) &"月"& spl_date(2) &"日" & hatsu & ")") '登録(発表)日から1週間【new】マークを表示する If rs1.Fields.Item("kakin_date") > DateAdd("d", -7, now) Then Response.Write("") End If year_check = spl_date(0) %>
<% rs1.Close %>
<% db1.Close Set db = Nothing %>

<% '=============== バックナンバー表示用Function =================== Function Show_BackNumberPullDown(genre) Set rsBN = db1.Execute("Select * From kakin Where genre = '" & genre & "'ORDER BY kakin_date DESC") %>
<% '開いていたレコードセットを閉じる rsBN.Close End Function %>